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Countries that start with P

Countries that start with P

Countries around the world, each with a photo of their flag.This category and the related cities categories are still incomplete.

Pis forPakistan

Pakistan is a country in south Asia. The capital of Pakistan is Islamabad. People in Pakistan speak Urdu or English.
Photo of the Palauan flag

Pis forPalau

Palau is an island nation north of Australia. The capital of Palau is Melekeok.
Photo of the Panama flag

Pis forPanama

Panama is a country on the bridge of land that connects North America and South America. The capital of Panama is Panama City. People in Panama speak Spanish.
Photo of the Papua New Guinea flag
Papua New Guinea is a country that occupies part of New Guinea, an island north of Australia. The capital of Papua New Guinea is Port Moresby.
Photo of the Paraguay flag

Pis forParaguay

Paraguay is a country in central South America. The capital of Paraguay is AsunciĆ³n. People in Paraguay speak Spanish.

Pis forPeru

Peru is a country in South America. The capital of Peru is Lima. People in Peru speak Spanish.
Photo of the Philippines flag
The Philippines is a country in south east Asia, over a number of islands north of Indonesia. The capital of the Philippines is Manila. People in the Philippines speak Filipino.
Photo of Polish flags

Pis forPoland

Poland is a country in central Europe. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. People in Poland speak Polish.
Photo of the Portuguese flag.

Pis forPortugal

Portugal is a country in south western Europe. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon. People in Portugal speak Portuguese.