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Photo of a ring

Words that rhyme with -ing

List of words that end with a "ing " sound

Photo of two siblings

Sis forSibling

People are siblings if they have at least one parent in common. Brothers and sisters are siblings.
Photo of a young man singing

Sis forSing

You sing when you make music with your voice. Many people singing together is called a chorus.
Photo of someone with their arm in a sling
A sling is a kind of bandage, usually for supporting a sprained or broken arm.
Photo of a baby in a sling
A sling is a way of carrying a baby around. A sling is made from a piece of fabric, and goes over your shoulder. Babies like slings because it keeps them close and snuggly.
Photo of a smocked dress

Sis forSmocking

Smocking is a needlework technique that draws fabric together in a pattern of diamond shapes.
Photo of spring flowers.

Sis forSpring

Spring is the mild time of year after winter. Plants grow new leaves and flowers, and many animals have babies during spring.
Photo of someone with a wasp sting

Sis forSting

A sting is a bite or prick made by an insect or other creature like a jellyfish. Stings usually carry some kind of venom and can be extremely painful.
Stockings are similar to socks but cover your legs to the tops of your thighs. Stockings are usually worn by women and girls. Stockings that go all the way up to your waist are called nylons or pantihose. Opaque stockings are often called tights or leggings.

Sis forString

String is long, thin, flexible and is often used for tying things together, hanging things, or even stitching things together.

Sis forSwing

A swing is a piece of playground equipment made out of a seat hanging from some kind of support. In playgrounds the support is made from metal or wood especially for the swing, and in backyards swings are often hung from a tree. You use a swing by sitting in the seat and swinging it backwards and forwards. You can do it by yourself or you can get someone else to push you.