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Photo of a whale.

Words that rhyme with -ale

List of words that end with a "ale " sound

Your fingernails are the hard parts on the back of your fingertips. Your fingernails protect the ends of your fingers from getting damaged. Some people grow their fingernails very long, and paint them in pretty colors.
Photo of trees blowing in a gale

Gis forGale

A gale is a very strong wind. Specifically, a gale is winds between 32 and 63 miles per hour, or 14–28 meters per second.
Photo of hailstones

His forHail

Hail happens during very cold storms. Hailstones are lumps of ice that fall from the clouds. Hailstones can be quite big and can do a lot of damage to things they hit.
Photo of a monitor impaled on a post

Iis forImpale

Something is impaled if it has had something strong and pointed stuck into it, or even right through it. Something that is Impaled is usually supported above the ground by whatever it was impaled on. The monitor in the picture has been impaled on a post.
Photo of a man inhaling

Iis forInhale

You inhale when you breathe in. The opposite of inhale is exhale.
Photo of a jail cell

Jis forJail

A jail is another word for a prison. People who have done something wrong are locked in jail as a punishment.

Kis forKale

Kale is a vegetable that is dark green or purple in color. Kale is related to cabbage and has a bitter taste. Kale is very high in nutrients.
Photo of some mail

Mis forMail

Mail is letters and parcels that are sent through the postal system. They are delivered to your letterbox by a postman.
Photo of a male duck
A plant or animal is male if he can produce sperm or similar male cells that can be used to fertilize an egg or create a viable seed.
Photo of a monorail

Mis forMonorail

A monorail is similar to a train in that it travels along a fixed track. The main difference is a monorail has only one track, not two like regular trains. Some kinds of monorail hover above their track (also called a rail or beam). These are called maglev monorails. Many monorails travel on raised tracks above a city. Not all monorails are raised like this. The beams a monorail travels on are large and solid and are often cast out of concrete, like the raised platform itself.