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Photo of wine.

Words that rhyme with -ine

List of words that end with a "ine " sound

Photo of a porcupine
Scientific name: Families: erethizontidae and hystricidae
Porcupines are a large rodent related to the beaver. They are spiny like hedgehogs and echidnas but are not related to either of them. Porcupines come in many shapes and sizes, but all have sharp quills. Porcupines can lose their quills, so if something bites a porcupine they get a mouthful of spikes.

Sis forShine

Something shines when a bright light comes from it. Something can shine from a reflection or it may be the source of the light, like the sun in the picture.
Photo of a wayside shrine

Sis forShrine

A shrine is a place dedicated to a holy person or a deity. A shrine can be a small, wayside marker like in the picture, or a large and elaborate temple.

Sis forSign

A sign is something that conveys some kind of meaning. Signs might be made up of pictures, words, or a combination of both. Many signs are just symbols, so that people will recognize what they mean no matter what language they speak. Signs don't need to be painted on a board - for example, deaf people communicate with sign language, using their hands to make symbols.

Sis forSpine

Your spine, or vertebral column is the row of bones that runs along the centre of your back. Your spine is made of lots of small bones called vertebra.
Photo of a beer stein

Sis forStein

A stein is a kind of large mug, usually made from glass or earthenware, that is generally used to drink beer from.

Sis forSunshine

Sunshine is another word for sunlight.
A man lying supine on a beach

Sis forSupine

If your body is in a supine position, you're laying on your back facing upwards.
Photo of swine

Sis forSwine

Swine is both a singular and plural form, meaning a domestic pig or pigs.
Photo of tines of a fork

Tis forTine

A tine is a slender object that sticks out. The prongs of a fork are called tines.