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Photo of an explosion.

Words that rhyme with -shun

List of words that end with a "shun " sound

Insulation is something that you put in the sides of a container to keep the temperature inside as steady as possible. Fridges have insulated walls to keep the inside cool, and most houses have at least the ceiling insulated to keep the inside cooler in summer and warmer in winter.

Ois forOcean

The ocean is the vast expanse of salty water that covers most of the Earth. Another word for ocean is sea.
Something is old fashioned if it looks like it belongs in the past, and doesn't fit in with things around it. Clothes can be old fashioned, and behaviour can be old fashioned too. Old fashioned things can also be called retro.
Photo of a group of peacocks
A group of peacocks is called an ostentation.
Photo of some hands drumming
A percussion instrument is one that you play by hitting, rubbing or scraping. Cymbals, drums and xylophones are all examples of percussion instruments.
Photo of a police station
A police station is a place where Police officers work. A police station might have interview rooms, storage for confiscated items, holding cells for people who have been arrested, storage for paperwork, and offices for Police officers to complete that paperwork in.
Photo of a truck with sooty exhaust
Pollution is something that is introduced into an environment that has a bad effect on that environment. Pollution can be industrial wastes, smoke, fumes, car exhaust, rubbish, excess light or heat.

Qis forQuestion

A question is a sentence that is asked in a way so as to get some information or an answer.
Photo of a tree and its reflection
A reflection is an image of something else, as seen in a shiny, reflective surface like a mirror. In the picture, you can see a reflection of the tree in the water.
Photo of fingers diffracted in water
Refraction is the way that light or sound changes direction slightly as it passes through different materials. In the picture, light is refracted as it passes from the air to the water, which makes the fingers in the picture look distorted.