Mulch is a layer of material that you put on the ground around plants. Mulch keeps the soil from drying out, and can help keep it from getting too hot or cold.
Mulches can be made from many things, but the most common kinds of mulch are decorative gravels, pebbles, bark, wood chips and leaves. Mulches made from bark or leaves will slowly break down and make the soil better.
Plant is a word that covers an enormous number of living things in the world. Plants can be divided up into several groups, namely algae (that green slime you find in ponds), bryophytes (non vascular plants, or mosses and lichens - the small, often fuzzy plants that you see growing on rocks or on the ground in damp corners) and tracheophytes.
Tracheophytes, or vascular plants, are the most familiar. They include all the trees, ferns, grass and flowers you see around your neighbourhood. The plant in the picture is a vascular plant, growing in a pot.
Pis forPrune (gardening)
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Secateurs, also called pruning shears, are a kind of scissor designed for cutting through the stems of plants. They have a different design to regular scissors to give them the extra strength needed to cut through wood.