A stake is any piece of wood, or sometimes metal, that is used for supporting something else. Stakes are generally driven into the ground and are used to support plants or young trees as they grow.
Stakes usually have one end sharpened to a point, which makes it easier to drive them into the ground.
Topiary is the term for clipping a plant into a shape that it wouldn't normally grow into by itself.
You can clip a plant into the shape of a person, an animal, or just into interesting shapes like the topiary in the picture.
A trowel is a small hand-held shovel used by gardeners. It is very helpful when re-potting plants or planting seedlings in the garden.
Wis forWatering can
Weeds are plants growing where you do not want them. When people make a nice garden and plant flowers or vegetables in it, they do not want other plants that they did not plant there. Many weeds are prickly or thorny and do not look nice, which is why people do not want weeds in their gardens.
Wis forWheelbarrow
A wheelbarrow is something you use in the garden or on a building site to move things around that are too heavy to carry yourself. They have handles at one end to push and a wheel at the other end. Wheelbarrows only have one wheel so they are easy to steer, and so you can tip them up and drop whatever is in the wheelbarrow into a pile on the ground. Wheelbarrows are very good for moving dirt, soil and gravel.