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Photo of a chain link

Parts of other things

Things that are parts of something else.

Photo of strips of paper

Sis forStrip

Strips are long, thin pieces of something. The picture is of some torn strips of paper. You can also use the word strip to describe a group of things arranged in a long, narrow way, such as a strip of shops, or shopping strip. Strip also means to remove something from. You might strip off your clothes, or strip the plastic covering off some electrical cables.
Photo of tines of a fork

Tis forTine

A tine is a slender object that sticks out. The prongs of a fork are called tines.
Photo of a bird with black tipped wings

Tis forTip

The tip of something is the smaller end of it, such as the tip of your finger or the tip of an iceberg. The bird in the picture has black tips on its wings. A tip might also be another word for a small piece of advice, or some money given to someone for good service.
Photo of a windmill with vanes

Vis forVane

Vanes are the individual blades of a fan or windmill.